Self-taught, growth-driven, and curious.
I made the 3D voxel using MagicaVoxel and Blender.
Three.js was used to put it on this website!

Justin Clenista

Software Engineer, Frontend Engineer

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Check my works here!

Here are my blog posts!


Justin is a Filipino-American based in San Diego, California with a huge passion and love for technology; so much so that he decided to delve into the incredible world of coding to pique that passion and love! In admist being lost in the journey to find what he wanted to do during university, he realized the joy in being able to create, design, and contribute to software and applications with meaningful impact to others. As a result, he decided to strive to become a software engineer and is currently in pursuit of opportunities to break into the tech space to fufill that said joy.


Programming Languages:
Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS/SaaS/TailwindCSS, Python
React, React Native, Expo, Node.js, MaterialUI, ChakraUI, jQuery, Gatsby, Bootstrap, Next.js
Agile (Jira), Git, Netlify, Vercel, Cypress, Firebase


When I'm not geeking out on coding, I...

  • Build computers
  • Build keyboards
  • Be active: Basketball, Tennis, Table Tennis, Training for Marathons
  • Sometimes take care of a fluffy samoyed named Sven!



Currently a work in progress!

  • If you would like to contact me, shoot me an email at justinalvin98@gmail.com
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